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Marketing Ideas

How Can You Differentiate Your Brand in Your Area?

Standing out from the competition is among every car dealership’s top concerns. While excellent marketing campaigns and inventive deals will certainly help you in the long run, some dealership attributes stand the test of time when it comes to beating out the competition in sales and overall perception. On episode ...
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Marketing Ideas

The Four Types of Customers You’ll Encounter

Customer experience is an important factor in boosting sales at your dealership. The CBT Automotive Network reported that “54% of consumers would buy from a dealership that offers their preferred experience even if it did not have the lowest price.” That statistic shows how much customers value a positive shopping experience. Relating ...
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Email Marketing

Gmail Ad Campaigns: Non-Competitive Yet Essential

If your car dealership uses Gmail, you’ve likely noticed the “Social” and “Promotions” tabs in the top menu. Within these tabs, you’ll find everything from email notifications about activity on your social profiles to promotional newsletters from online retail brands or companies you follow. You’ll also discover sponsored Gmail ads. ...
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Digital Marketing

Carefully Targeted Paid Search Advertising: How to Craft a Successful Campaign

How often do you click on ads when you’re searching on Google or another search engine? Odds are, you weren’t even aware that the listing you clicked on was a paid advertisement. According to a Search Engine Land report in 2019, 63 percent of people said they’d click on a Google ad. ...
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Digital Marketing

Top 2020 Automotive Marketing Trends for the Upcoming Year

The digital marketing industry is always changing. If you are not current with those changes, you could lose out on improving the reach of your dealership. Optimize your digital marketing strategy for the upcoming year by transforming the way you connect with current and new customers. Connect More Effectively with ...
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Digital Marketing

Compatibility with Multiple Devices is More Important Than You Think

Think about how many devices you use in a day. At your dealership and home, you’re constantly switching between your computer and phone, and perhaps even your tablet. Your customers act similarly.  Studies show that 90% of people use multiple screens sequentially. With this in mind, each aspect of your car dealership’s ...
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Digital Marketing

Multi-Channel Car Dealership Campaigns: 6 Key Tips for Choosing the Right Channels

It’s tempting to jump at every marketing opportunity that comes your way. Whether you’ve been offered a new partnership or have a sudden increase in marketing funds, you should vet each opportunity properly. After all, some opportunities may not be the right fit for your dealership. This same concept applies ...
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Digital Marketing

Campaigns, Ad Groups, Keywords, and Ads—How to Set Yourself Apart

According to a Google Impact Report, businesses that use paid search ads “make an average of $2 in revenue for every $1 they spend on Google Ads.” If your dealership hasn’t yet run a PPC ad campaign, you should consider starting one today. The process for setting up your ad campaign ...
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Digital Marketing

Why Paid Search Ads are Critical for Your Dealership

There are 63,000 searches per second on Google, 3.8 million per minute, 228 million per hour, and 5.5 billion per day. If your dealership is not using paid search ads, you are losing out on possible leads who could convert to new customers. Google research shows that 2x as many consumers begin ...
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Digital Marketing

Leverage Marketing Assets Without Spending More Money

Marketing is the mainspring of every automobile dealership. After all, marketing is the science of getting people to shop your inventory, come in and test drive your cars, and have them buy your parts and use your service departments. Marketing persuades customers to come back again and again, and induces ...
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