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How to Make Smart Choices When Facing Budget Cuts

Marketing budgets boomed in 2023. An impressive 89% of CMOs and chief marketing executives said they planned to increase their marketing budgets this year to remain competitive with other brands. However, this increase isn’t without risk, as 80% of CEOs worry about a looming recession. This could cause them to be more conservative with spending …

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State of Hashtags 2023: How to Maximize Effectiveness for Your Dealership

Social media still seems like a relatively new concept, but the hashtag (#) has existed for over 16 years. In 2007, Chris Messina proposed using the pound sign to track conversations related to a conference. A few months later, users started using hashtags to track the spread and coverage of the San Diego wildfires, using …

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Local Marketing Best Practices Across Your Digital Channels

Do you have a specific strategy to reach local customers? According to data by ReviewTrackers, 58% of companies don’t. A third of companies wish they had a plan in place to target local search customers, but only 30% actually do. Local search is a compelling and affordable way to reach your target audiences. You can …

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Auditing Your Paid Search: 7 Signs of Waste in PPC Campaigns

Two of the biggest challenges when managing paid search campaigns are sticking to a budget and maximizing return on investment (ROI). The majority (86%) of companies can’t exceed a monthly budget, and 28% of companies manage their spending by setting limits within Google Ads. However, if you can’t exceed how much you spend, how can …

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7 Ways to Make Your Website More Interactive and Engaging

Your digital marketing efforts work together to drive traffic to your website, but are you giving visitors a good reason to stay there? A static website or pages without valuable resources will make visitors bounce and never return again. This is an inefficient way to use your marketing budget because you aren’t bringing users deeper …

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What Is Conversational Marketing and How to Harness This Powerful Resource

One of the most significant transitions in the world of marketing over the past few decades has been the switch from broadcasting to engagement. In the 20th century, the goal was to broadcast your message to as many people as possible, from billboard advertisements to Super Bowl spots. However, the rise of social media and …

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How to Maximize the ROI of Every Video You Create: A Checklist

It’s a tale as old as time and a truth everyone knows: content is king. But today, there’s no disputing that video content is the ultimate king of content forms—and for pretty much everything. According to a tech conference interview with Prabhakar Raghavan, the Senior Vice President of Google, almost 40% of younger people favor …

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Understanding Average Video Duration and How to Create Content for Viewers Who Bounce

Average video duration is useful for determining the right video lengths for your business’s marketing plan. Analyzing video adjustments is critical, mainly since analytics can vary, and changes are necessary to increase viewership. Bounce rate statistics are also important because they determine whether visitors find the page content uninteresting or valuable enough to stay on …

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