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Post-Christmas Customers: Get the Most Out of the Last Days of the Year

Most companies have a countdown to Christmas, where they try to get the most sales before December 24. However, the National Retail Federation (NRF) states that the holiday shopping season lasts until December 31. Depending on their customer base, some retailers might even be able to take advantage of the ...
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10 Digital Marketing Tasks to Prepare for the New Year

The holiday shopping season is a critical period for many businesses. Some companies rely on big months in November and December for 25%-50% of their annual revenue. It’s so easy to get caught up in holiday promotions and then employee time off that your team enters January with a slight ...
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End the Year Strong, Start the Year Right – Align your Business Goals with Your Marketing Efforts

One of the most powerful things you can do in your car dealership is align your sales and marketing teams. It’s easy to isolate these departments because they focus on their individual projects and goals. Sales teams often work the floor and meet with customers throughout the day while marketing ...
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Audit Your Branding in Q1: How to Make Sure You Put Your Best Foot Forward

The average marketing team juggles four different channels throughout the year. The top channels in 2023 include social media, SEO, email marketing, and content marketing. However, some departments could have more than nine different outlets promoting the business and engaging the customer base. Regardless of your marketing department’s size, you ...
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Email Marketing Is Easier Than Ever

Email marketing has come a long way over the past decade. What started as a “spray and pray” medium, where brands mass-blasted messages to large email lists, has evolved into one of the most nuanced forms of digital marketing. Brands can keep in-depth files on each customer and track what ...
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The Back End of Digital Marketing — Unseen Tasks You Need to Allocate Time For

From an outsider’s perspective, digital marketing seems like a glamorous job. Teams design creative logos, unique taglines, and beautiful graphics to win over potential customers. Their days are spent bouncing ideas around in pitch meetings and watching their campaigns succeed. However, the reality looks starkly different. Digital marketing requires an ...
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How to Make Smart Choices When Facing Budget Cuts

Marketing budgets boomed in 2023. An impressive 89% of CMOs and chief marketing executives said they planned to increase their marketing budgets this year to remain competitive with other brands. However, this increase isn’t without risk, as 80% of CEOs worry about a looming recession. This could cause them to ...
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Transparency in Reporting

Reporting is an essential part of any digital marketing campaign. Your initial insights give you information about your current performance, and your following reports track your progress. Each report you publish over time tells the story of your marketing efforts and the lessons learned along the way. However, too often, ...
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8 Signs Your Content Is Providing Value

One of the hardest parts of search engine optimization (SEO) is remembering that there are real human readers behind all of your metrics. Too often, brands get caught up in writing for the algorithm and focus too much on Google bots and keyword optimization rather than actual user intent. However, ...
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State of Hashtags 2023: How to Maximize Effectiveness for Your Dealership

Social media still seems like a relatively new concept, but the hashtag (#) has existed for over 16 years. In 2007, Chris Messina proposed using the pound sign to track conversations related to a conference. A few months later, users started using hashtags to track the spread and coverage of ...
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