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MCC 108: Beyond Boundaries: Integrating Family, Business, and Investing for Unlimited Potential


Episode Description

Welcome back to move crush count, the podcast that explores the intersections of family, business, and investing for unlimited potential. In today’s episode, titled “Beyond Boundaries: Integrating Family, Business, and Investing for Unlimited Potential,” we delve into the fascinating journey of a Eric Wohlwend, a parent who has successfully navigated the complex world of real estate, while simultaneously homeschooling their children and instilling in them the principles of entrepreneurship.

From his humble beginnings in the real estate industry to his innovative approach to education, Eric’s story is one of determination, adaptability, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. Join us as we uncover the strategies he and his wife used to build a thriving business empire while imparting valuable life skills to their children. Stay tuned for an episode that will inspire and encourage you to think beyond traditional boundaries, in order to unlock the unlimited potential within your own family, business, and investments. Let’s get started!

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Eric Wohlwend

Eric has been a full-time Real Estate Investor for over 2 decades.  He has repositioned over a thousand units including single & multi-family residential properties as well as multiple types of commercial properties.  He still controls hundreds of these.
Eric has written multiple #1 Best-selling books including “Family Success Triangle.”  Using what he teaches, both of his kids started buying real estate when they were seven years old without any money or credit from their parents.  Both of his sons have purchased enough assets to be financially free before they were old enough to drive.
The family continues to invest & travel North America speaking, learning and growing together.  Now they focus on teaching others to integrate their business, family & investing so they have more freedom.  Their goal is for everyone to have financial, time & location freedom.

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